Thursday, December 10, 2009

Short update.

I wanted to share with you are most recent family photo. Every year at Thanksgiving we take a family photo around my parents fireplace. We have found that as our kids grow and the more we get we don't fit as well around the fireplace. You should see the one with our family, my brother's family, and my parents. We look a bit squished. I can't imagine what it will look like next year when O arrives. She will be the completion of our family and it will be sooo wonderful to have her with us.
We are in full swing with the Christmas festivities. We will go get our tree on Saturday. I am a little bummed because we are going to a farm that does not have a tractor ride. We have always taken a tractor ride out to the field and picked a tree. The tree farms around here don't offer that and we don't feel like driving a billion miles to a place that offers that. Oh well...we will see how it goes.
We have been busy practicing our Christmas program for church. It is called "Cookin' Up Christmas" and is sooo cute. The kids are doing an amazing job preparing. I am very proud of all of them.
Not much activity for us on the adoption front. Our dossier is being translated and should be done by the end of December. We will then be eligible for a referral. But, those have been slow coming in our agency. The courts are so backlogged that there hasn't been much movement. We are praying that the new year brings more referrals so that we move up the list. Until then....we are waiting. I believe that is how it is going to be for a while. But, we are in it for the long haul.

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